Daniel Koehn

Daniel has relished bird watching, bird feeding, and monitoring nest boxes since 2018.  He enjoys collecting and analyzing data from his eBird checklists, bird feeders, and sound recordings.  Over the last five years, Daniel has bird watched in over five different countries and has identified over 300 species in 435 hours.

Daniel is the owner and operator of Bird Dwellings where he sells handmade bird nesting boxes.  These boxes are focused on functionality and quality for both the bird nester and the human landlord.  You can visit his shop with the link below.

Jameson Koehn

Jameson embarked on his birdwatching journey in 2019. Since then he has spent over 570 hours in the field and identified over 320 species around Alberta and across Europe. He especially enjoys watching waterfowl, shorebirds, and warblers.

Jameson began photographing birds in the fall of 2022. Since then he has taken over 25,000 photographs with varying levels of success. Jameson enjoys transporting the viewer into the bird’s world using techniques such as camera angle and composition while maintaining good photography ethics.